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XIII Congrés de la Societat d'Immunologia
Societat Catalana d'Immunologia
Dies 14 i 15 de novembre de 2019 | 08:00 | Auditori | l'Acadèmia - Can Caralleu

Dijous, 14 de novembre de 2019 | 15:30 - 20:00
Welcome to the XIIIth CONGRESS of the SCI > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Ricardo Pujol Borrell
Opening Lecture–In Memoriam Dra. Teresa Gallart > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Odette Vinyes. HCB-IDIBAPS
Felipe García Prado. HCB, UB
Montse PLana Prades. HCB-IDIBAPS
Tumor immuneescape in pancreatic cancer: a key role for Galectin-1 > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Aura Muntasell Castellví. UPF
Pilar Navarro. nstituto de Investigaciones Biomédicas de Barcelona-CSIC, Spain
Parallel Session I-Oral communications on Basic Immunology > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Pablo Engel Rocamora. UB
19h- oral presentation 1: An enveloped Virus-Like Particle (VLP) platform with high-density antigen display induces a strong humoral immune response.
Ferran Tarrés Freixas
19:20h- oral presentation 2: Characterization of the specificity of the intermediate proteasome β5i
E. Scholz
19:40h- oral presentation 3: Repertoire analysis of B-cells from mice with Sjögren's Syndrome reveals a high number of auto/polyreactive B cell clones
Manuel Eduardo Sáez Moya
Parallel Session II-Oral communications on Clinical Immunology > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Ricardo Pujol Borrell. VHIR; UAB
19h -Oral presentation 1bis: Epstein-Barr Virus+ B Cells in the Breast Cancer Immune Response: A Case Report. A. Aranet al
Andrea Aran Garriga
19:20h 19h -Oral presentation 2bis: Novel compound identified by drug repositioning ameliorates experimental autoimmune diabetes
Adrián Villalba Felipe
19:40h 19h -Oral presentation 3bis: PD1 and PD-L1 in Graves' disease: new clues for pathogenesis
Daniel Álvarez de la Sierra
Divendres, 15 de novembre de 2019 | 08:30 - 18:30
HIV-1 infection:Going under the radar of immunity > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Andreas Meyerhans. UPF
Júlia García Prado. The IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, Badalona
Session III-Oral Communicationson Innate immunity > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Francisco Lozano Soto. HCB, UB
10h -Oral presentation 4: DNA polymerase μ protects macrophages from double-strand DNA breaks produced during pro-inflammatory activation
A. Celada
10:12h 10h -Oral presentation 5: Deficient expression of the lymphocyte scavenger receptor cd6 confers increased susceptibility to sepsis induced by polymicrobial peritonitis.
Cristina Català Osete
10:24h 10h -Oral presentation 6: Predictive value of tumor-associated and circulating NK cells for neoadjuvant therapy response in primary HER2-positive breast cancer patients
Aura Muntasell Castellví. Hospital del Mar Medical Research Institute, Universitat Auntònoma de Barcelona
10:36h 10h -Oral presentation 7: Interaction between mucosal and cutaneous immune responses to Streptococcuspyogenesin psoriasis: a role for antigen specific Igs and CLA+ T cells.
Carmen de Jesús Gil
10:48h -Oral presentation 8: Cytomegalovirus restricts ICOSL expression on APCs to limit T cell costimulation and promote viral immune escape.
Guillem Angulo Montserrat
How do microbes and tumor cells escape killing by the complement system? > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Pablo Engel Rocamora. Facultat de Medicina, Universitat de Barcelona
Seppo Meri. University of Helsinki, Finland
Ordinary General Meeting/JuntaGeneral Ordinària SCI. Us hi esperem a tots: els socis i no-socis!! > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Session IV-Oral Communications onImmunology and disease > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Eva Martínez Cáceres. HUGTiP
Silvia Vidal Alcorisa. HUSCSP
15h -Oral presentation 9: Differential expression of TSHR isoforms in thyroid andthymus may contribute to TSHR Tolerance Failure in Graves' Disease Patients Via Two Distinct Mechanisms
Ana Marín
15:13h -Oral presentation 10: Identifying changes in peripheral lymphocyte subpopulations at the onset of adult type 1 diabetes and their long-term evolution.
Aina Teniente Serra. Hospital Germans Trias
15:27h -Oral presentation 11: Expanding the Clinical and Genetic Spectra of Primary Immunodeficiency-Related Disorders with Clinical Exome Sequencing: Expected and Unexpected Findings
Clara Franco Jarava. Hospital Joan XXIII Tarragona
15:39h -Oral presentation 12: Characterization of the immune response in autoimmune chronic urticaria patients and the effect of anti-IgE treatment
Cristina Alejandra López Rodriguez
15:52h -Oral presentation 13: Molecular and functional characterization of a novel mutation in a late-onset ADA deficient patient.Ana Toribioet al
Ana Toribio
16:05h -Oral presentation 14: High production of house dust mite-induced IL-31 in atopic dermatitis patients with specific IgE levels.Lídia Sans-de San Nicoláset al
Lídia Sans de San Nicolás
16:18h -Oral presentation 15: Molecular basis of primary hemophagocytic lymphohistiocytosis: Presentation of the HLH database
Silvia Sánchez-Ramón
Viral host homologsas a strategy of immune evasio > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Jorge Carrillo. IrsiCaixa AIDS Research Institute, Badalona
Ana Angulo. Universitat de Barcelona
Prize to the best communication and poster. > Can Caralleu - Auditori
Ricardo Pujol Borrell. President of SCI